Privacy Policy

On our website you will find a description of our products and services, you can read our blog, learn about employment opportunities or see the latest news and offers, without having to provide any information about yourself.

However, if you choose to provide us with information regarding your personal information, such as your name, address, email address, telephone numbers, demographic information and other identifying information, such information will not be disclosed (for shared use, for sale, or as part of our dealings) to any outside organization other than our trusted partners for purposes related to the employee recruitment and selection process unless we are required by applicable law to disclose such information.

In order to better provide our services, we will transmit to your web browser a small file that will be stored on your computer and read by our web server ("cookie"). The cookie is used by us for a number of administrative tasks, such as storing your preferences for information of a certain type. Most such cookies exist only for the duration of your session or "visit" to the website. None of them will contain information that allows others to contact the Customer electronically, by e-mail or by direct mail.

We want to familiarize you with the details of the technologies we use and the regulations so as to give you full knowledge and comfort in using our websites. Please read the following information before going to the website.

How can we help you?

As of May 25, 2018, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (popularly known as "RODO") takes effect. RODO will apply to an identical extent in all countries of the European Union, thus also in Poland, and introduces a number of changes in the rules governing the processing of personal data, which will affect many areas of life, including the use of online services, such as, among others, those of In this information, we provide a summary of the most important issues concerning the processing of your personal data that may take place after May 25, 2018 in connection with the use of our services. We ask you to read it, it will not take more than a few minutes.

What is personal information?

Personal data is, according to the RODO, information about an identified or identifiable natural person. When you use our sites, such data includes, for example, your email address, IP address and your name and phone number (if provided by you). Personal data may be stored in cookies or similar technologies installed on our sites and devices you use when using our services.

Basis and purpose of processing

Processing of personal data requires a legal basis. Your data, as part of our services, will only be processed if we or another data processor has one of the legal bases permitted by the RODO. Your data will be processed until there is a basis for processing - that is, in the case of granting consent until revocation, restriction or other action on your part limiting that consent, in the case of the necessity of the data for the performance of a contract - for the duration of its performance, and in the case where the basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the controller - for as long as that legitimate interest exists.


The administrator of your personal data processed is: POL-CON SP. Z O.O. with registered office in Warsaw, Aleja "SOLIDARNOŚCI". 117/603, entered in the register of entrepreneurs by the REGISTRAR'S JUDGE FOR M.ST. WARSAW IN WARSAW, XII ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT OF THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF JUSTICE, KRS No. 0000714526, NIP 5391513366, REGON 369278086 - hereinafter referred to as the Administrator.


On our websites and applications, we use technologies such as cookies and similar to collect and process personal data and usage data in order to personalize the content provided and analyze traffic on our sites. Cookies are computer data saved in files and stored on your terminal device (i.e., your computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.), which your browser sends to the server each time you access a website from that device while visiting various pages on the Internet.

Your entitlements

Under the RODO, you have the following rights against your data and its processing by us. If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can withdraw it at any time. You also have the right to request access to your personal data, rectification, deletion or restriction of processing, the right to data portability, to object to data processing, and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The above rights also apply in the event of proper processing by the controller.


If you wish to consent to JobProf's processing of your personal data collected in connection with your use of the websites and web applications provided by the JobProf entity for marketing purposes (including necessary analytical activities and compilation into marketing profiles based on your activity on the websites), including their processing in cookies, etc. installed on your devices and read from these files by JobProf, you can easily give this consent. Your consent is voluntary. You can also edit your preferences regarding your consent at any time, including even withdrawing it completely, by clicking on advanced settings or going to our privacy policy page. The above consent applies to processing for marketing purposes other than JobProf's own purposes .Please be advised at the same time that JobsPlus, as part of the online services it provides, will process your data for its own marketing purposes described in detail above based on their legitimate interest as an administrator.

Information about cookies informs that it uses cookies (so-called "cookies") on its websites. [Privacy and Cookies Policy] to learn more, including how to manage cookies through your web browser.

Information clause

We inform you about the processing of your data and the principles under which it will be done. Below you will find basic information on this subject.

Who will be the Data Protection Officer?

The Administrator has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO). He can be contacted via the address: or in writing to the Administrator's address.

What kind of data are we talking about?

It is about personal data that is collected as part of your use of our services, including websites, contact forms, applying for a particular job offer, and those stored in cookies that are installed on our sites by us and our Trusted Partners. It is also about the data you give us in the content of your resume.

Why do we want to process your data?

We process this data to, among other things: to be able to send you the most tailored information related to recruitment and selection of employees, to transfer your data to third parties for the purposes of the recruitment process, to provide you with greater security of our services, including to detect possible bots, fraud or abuse, to make measurements that allow us to improve our services and make them maximally responsive to your needs. We may transfer your data to entities processing them on our behalf, e.g. recruitment agencies, subcontractors of our services, and entities entitled to obtain data under applicable law, e.g. courts or law enforcement agencies - of course, only if they make a request based on an appropriate legal basis.

What rights do you have over your data?

Among other things, you have the right to request access, rectification, erasure or restriction of data processing. You can also withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, object, and exercise other rights listed in detail in the privacy policy. There you will also find information on how to communicate to us your wish to exercise these rights.

What are the legal bases for processing your data?

Any processing of your data must be based on a proper legal basis that complies with applicable regulations. The legal basis for processing your data in order to provide our services, including tailoring them to your interests, analyzing and improving them, and ensuring their security, is the necessity to perform contracts, to fulfill (offer) the inquiry you sent to us by email, or to apply by you for specific job positions. Such legal basis for statistical measurements and administrators' own marketing is the so-called legitimate interest of the administrator. The processing of your data for third-party marketing purposes will be based on your voluntary consent.